Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crux gets Caught With his Pants Down

In Sodaack I was cruising for Zs when I saw an NHD sitting in space next to a Z15F. Assuming this pilot was in need of help I flew over to see who it was. It turned out to be vile pirate Crux Mason, an enemy of the Empire. Seeing his ship was damaged and nonresponsive, I flew back to the planet to outfit some missiles. I was so pleased to have a chance to punish this disgusting fool that I forgot to actually *use* those missiles once I engaged him.

His skills had improved since last we fought, and I also forgot to reset my ship controls from the defensive posture it was in for fighting Zs. The result was that it took me an embarrassingly long time and a ridiculous number of shots to destroy Crux's ship. Nonetheless, the pirate had to take another ride in his escape pod.

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